
How to Plan a Career.

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Why is career planning important?

Every ambitious individual aims to ensure that his career is going in the right direction. Planning your career helps you realise your passion, facilitate your goals and helps you aim them with profound actions.  It also helps you do assessment of your current situation, so that you can be more prepared and determined by filling any gaps in your knowledge or experience that could hold you back from reaching you to your targeted dream position.

Planning your future is not only required when you choose your stream but its an on going process of learning new skills and widening your knowledge to keep yourself updated with the recent work scenarios. Whether you’re still studying, you are a graduate, looking for a change in career, or you’re longing for a higher designation, a career plan will ensure your actions are in line with your goals.

Here are a few points we consider important when deciding or planning the career.

  • Identify your skills: Make a refined list of skills you possess with your personal analysis.
  • Prioritize:   Decide which of your skills tops your interest level and you want to nurture so that you can make a career out of it, or you can go further look after the right opportunities.
  • Considering important factors: Before reaching the final decision, consider all the factors beyond personal preferences. Like, the demand of the field you chose and if you are ready to take the additional risk. Always welcome the advice from family, friends and if needed check with a career advisor.
  • Make a choice: Finally, make a choice and start with a positive outlook to learn with an extensive vision.
  • Follow   : Now prepare a step by step organiser of the actions required to meet your goals with the dedicated timeframes towards each action.

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